Welcome to our website, "tonari."
"Tonari" means being on someones side.
It was named with our hope to stand by children.
Our group belongs to the volunteer organization, BBS.
BBS was published to help with the rehabilitation of juvenile delinquents.
In order to create a good society, it is essential for everyone to understand people who have committed a crime in the past.
BBS let a lot of people know about readjustment and become friends.
We support not only for juvenile delinquents but also children who cannot adjust themselves to the society.
We help them with their homework, play the game and talk with various types of children.
We recruit people to work together and also welcome international students and working people.
We talk about our activities every Wednesday.
Please contact us if you get interested.
Then, we'll tell you the details of our volunteer work.
Let's volunteer together with us.
We are all waiting for you.